Our Story: The family of the founder (Sarah!) would say that she is obsessed with strollers and other baby gear, her husband even going so far as to lovingly refer to her own personal collection as a "fleet" of strollers. :)
One day while hiking the beautiful Alaska trails with her husband, sister, two delightful kids and her fantastic Chariot double jogging stroller, Sarah was stopped repeatedly by families with babies and toddlers, who wanted to borrow the carrier for themselves!
As a person whose family lives in the lower 48, and who travels extensively...Sarah is familiar with traveling with bulky baby equipment and is well-acquainted with the high costs and hassle associated with lost luggage and cumbersome baby gear.
Long story short...A fabulous idea was born!
Why not share her passion for Alaska, children, and baby equipment with other families, helping to ensure that they never have to go through the same traveling incidents that her own family has.
Our Purpose: Here at Alaska Baby Rentals, we specialize in baby gear that is perfect for Alaska, and are proud to be the best provider of premier baby equipment rentals and sales in Alaska.
If your family is:
- Getting to know Alaska by biking, hiking, and exploring the great outdoors.
- Relocating to AK and is needing baby gear for short-term rental for your temporary housing.
- Wanting to try out superior baby equipment before making a purchasing decision.
- Simply enjoying time with grandparents.
Then Alaska Baby Rentals has everything to meet your family's needs and make your experience in Alaska stress-free and full of awesome memories.
Thanks for visiting our website, and we look forward to hearing from and serving you, and your family!
-Sarah Phillips Knechtel & Keturah Phillips

About Alaska Baby Rentals
Call us! (907) 240-RENT (7368)
Email us! info@alaskababyrentals.com